On Recent events in cuba by isaac saney
Recent events in Cuba illustrate how intense the imperial pressures on the island nation are. It always bears underscoring that every effort to defy imperialism’s dictate and build a new society has faced unrelenting western destabilisation and sabotage: from the Haitian Revolution to numerous African, Asian, and Latin American national liberation and revolutionary projects. The…
The CNC Welcomes Cuba’s New Ambassador to Canada
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Canadian Network on Cuba Welcomes Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz as Cuba’s New Ambassador to Canada The Canadian Network on Cuba extends our heartfelt congratulations to Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz on his confirmation as the Cuban Ambassador to Canada. Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz has held key positions, such as Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, and…
CNC Podcast Episode 1
The entire episode can be viewed on our Facebook page, or in parts on our Youtube channel. And you can now stream audio of the episode on our brand new Soundcloud page. Please stay tuned as we create new ways to access this content in the future! PART 1: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 1 PART 2: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 2 PART 3:…
Patria o muerte: josé martí & Fidel
In this video, long-time Cuban solidarity activist Nino Pagliccia delivers a speech about José Martí’s struggle for national liberation from Spanish colonialism, and how Fidel picked up the flag to continue the struggle against U.S. imperialism. Interspersed throughout the speech are clips of Fidel speaking about Martí.
Che Brigade informational webinar
Want to learn more about the Ernesto “Che” Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade? Join us at our informational webinar, Sunday, February 4th, 1pm PST/4pm EST. To register, click here.
A CNC Tribute to Fidel on the 7th Anniversary of His Passing
To honour Fidel Castro on the 7th anniversary of his passing, the Canadian Network on Cuba reached out to those who have dedicated their lives to building solidarity between Canadians and Cubans, to find stories of personal encounters with Fidel. This video compiles some of these stories, alongside footage of Fidel expressing his own views…
CNC Strongly Condemns the Genocide of Palestinians by the Israeli State
The Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people being perpetrated by the Israeli government. The current wide-scale massacre of Palestinian citizens in Gaza and the West Bank is rooted in an ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology. This genocide, combined with the explicit statements of intent…
STATEMENT RE: UN General Assembly Vote to Condemn the U.S. Blockade Against Cuba
In the coming days, Cuba will present a resolution against the blockade imposed upon it by the United States government to the United Nations General Assembly. And, for the 31st consecutive year, this resolution will be overwhelmingly voted in favour of by the vast majority of the 193 member states. The 61-year-old economic, commercial, and…
Statement from MINREX on Palestine
nn Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba reiterates its deep concern about the escalation of violence between Israel and Palestine, which is a consequence of decades of Israeli illegal occupation and colonization practices, in flagrant violation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people…
Register for the Calixto Garcia Solidarity Brigade!
REGISTER before DUE DATE November 1st 2023 by emailing us: calixtogarciabrigade@gmail.com COME and JOIN us on our 5th Anniversary Celebration!! An opportunity to view Cuba’s beautiful “Oriente” this year we will be visiting 3 of its Provinces; Holguin, Santiago de Cuba & Granma. Learn about Cuba’s culture, history, music, and meet some of the most…

Canadian Network on Cuba
Working in Friendship & Solidarity with Cuba