STATEMENT RE: The Acquittal of the Terrorist Who Attacked the Cuban Embassy in Washington

The Canadian Network on Cuba vehemently denounces the decision of a United States court to acquit the terrorist of Cuban origin who fired an automatic assault rifle at the Cuban Embassy in Washington on April 30th, 2020, with the explicitly confessed purpose of opening fire on anything in front of him, including human beings, should they be in his line of fire.

U.S. authorities refused to classify the crime as terrorism and the court has ruled that the terrorist suffers from dementia, which shows the shameful politicization of this criminal act, which caused not only material damage but endangered the lives of the diplomats inside of the building. It also greenlights future violent, politically motivated actions against Cuban Embassies and sends the message of impunity for such actions.

The CNC demands that the U.S. government do justice and recognize the criminal responsibility of this individual. Furthermore, we demand the cessation of calls from operators of Cuban origin who incite the commission of acts of vandalism and violence inside of Cuba, with the objective of destabilizing the constitutional government of the island with the approval of the U.S. government.

In addition to demanding justice for this terrorist attack against the Cuban Embassy, the tremendous irony is not lost on the Cuban people and those in solidarity with them across the world, of having Cuba listed as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, without any evidence or justification, and without being willing to negotiate its removal from this spurious list.

The CNC demands the end of the economic war against Cuban Families.

Down with the genocidal blockade and besiegement of the Cuban people.


Samantha Hislop & Julio Fonseca
Co-Chairs, Canadian Network on Cuba







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