January 1st, 2025, marks the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution—a historic moment when the Cuban people, under the leadership of Fidel Castro, took control of their destiny. This monumental victory affirmed their right to self determination, genuine freedom, and human dignity. On this significant occasion, the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC), representing the Canada-Cuba friendship and solidarity movement, extends its warmest greetings to the Cuban people, their government, and the nation’s revolutionary leadership.
Over the past year, the Cuban people have faced and overcome immense challenges, including two devastating hurricanes and an ongoing energy crisis. These hardships unfold amidst more than six decades of Washington’s escalating, malicious, and genocidal economic war, compounded by a relentless campaign of U.S.-orchestrated destabilization.
The CNC once again reaffirms the inalienable right of all peoples and nations to determine their political, economic, and social systems without external interference.
We stand confident that the Cuban people will persevere through these adversities, particularly the criminal and immoral economic blockade imposed by U.S. imperialism.
As Cuba continues to advance along its chosen path of independence, sovereignty, social justice, selfdetermination, and human dignity, it does so with the growing solidarity and support of people worldwide.
¡Viva la Revolución Cubana!
Isaac Saney, Executive Committee
Canadian Network on Cuba

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