The CNC has embarked on a new form of disseminating information about Cuba that matters to people living in Canada. This inaugural episode of the new CNC podcast will set the tone for what we hope will become a regular feature of our work going forward.
For Black History Month, CNC Co-Chair Samantha Hislop speaks with Isaac Saney and Cikiah Thomas about the 7th Africa-Cuba Solidarity Conference and an update on Cuba-Africa relations.
Isaac Saney is a Black studies and Cuba specialist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, where he is an Associate Professor and the Coordinator of the Black and African Diaspora Studies Program, the first majors program in Black and African Diaspora studies in Canada. His teaching, research and scholarship encompasses Cuba, Africa, the Caribbean, Black Canadian history, the global Black liberation struggle and reparations. Isaac holds a PhD in history from the school of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He is currently serving as a special advisor to the Canadian Network on Cuba. He is the author of Cuba: A Revolution in Motion and Cuba, Africa and Apartheid’s End: Africa’s Children Return.
Cikiah Thomas is an individual with a rich history of international experience in political activism. In 2001, he participated in the United Nations world conference against racism held in South Africa. A year later, he played a significant role in planning the African and African Descendants World Conference Against Racism Conference held in Barbados. The Conference led to the establishment of the Global African Congress, which he chaired from 2002 until 2022. The Global African Congress’ main objective is to promote equitable of distribution of global resources by fighting for territorial justice. The organization advocates for policies that combat institutional racism, brings awareness and mobilize international solidarity to decolonize the remaining Caribbean and South American territories under European and American direct colonial domination. Additionally, the Global African Congress works to ensure that all African and Indigenous peoples worldwide receive respect and recognition. Cikiah also strongly supports the Cuban revolution and believes in peoples’ right to self-determination.
The entire episode can be viewed on our Facebook page, or in parts on our Youtube channel. And you can now stream audio of the episode on our brand new Soundcloud page. Please stay tuned as we create new ways to access this content in the future!
PART 1: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 1
PART 2: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 2
PART 3: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 3
PART 4: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 4
PART 5: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 5
PART 6: • CNC Podcast Episode 1: Part 6
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