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12th Anniversary of the Imprisonment of the Cuban Five

Free the Cuban Five Now!

This past September 12 marked the 12th annversary of the imprisonment of the Cuban Five, political prisoners unjustly held in U.S. prisons for reporting to U.S. authorities the activities of U.S.-based anti-Cuba terrorist organizations. This anniversary has seen an intensified international campaign demanding the U.S. permit visits by family members of the five and ultimately for the freedom of the five. The significance and importance of the worldwide campaign by people from all walks of life cannot be underestimated. Time and time again, this support from justice-loving people and friends and supporters of Cuba has made a difference in ensuring the  well-being five Cuban patriots during their imprisonment. In this vein, the Canadian Network on Cuba at its 5th Biennial Convention in early September took a decision to step up its work to free the Cuban Five. Since then, the CNC is pleased to report that its member organizations have been extremely active in stepping up this work. To find out more about how to join in the work, check back on this page or contact the CNC or the local Cuba solidarity organization in your region.

The just struggle of Cuban people to live free from outside interference and the support of all those participating in the campaign to free the Cuban Five, present and future, will prevail and the Cuban Five will be free.

Coming Events

Hoguin, Cuba, November 17-21: Sixth International Colloquium for the Freedeom of the Five Cuban Heroes and Against Terrorism

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples invites all friends of Cuba to join us in the 6th International Colloquium for the freedom of the Five Cuban Heroes, prisoners of the empire & against terrorism... continued

Updates on the Case of the Cuban Five
World Peace Council Initiates Campaign to the Free the Cuban Five - Word Peace Council
Another Visit with Gerardo - Danny Glover and Saul Landau, Progreso Weekly
The Cuban 5: Victims of US State Terrorism - Stephen Lendman
Leonard Weinglass Updates Legal Situation of the Cuban Five - Radio Havana Cuba
Amnesty International Seeks Review of Case of the ‘Cuban Five' - Press Release

Demand the Release of the Cuban Five
End the Injustice, Free the Cuban 5 Now! - Petition to U.S. President Barack Obama

Demand Visitation Rights for the Families of the Cuban Five
Sample Letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Postcard Campaign

Write a Letter to the Cuban Five
Biographies and Addresses for the Cuban Five

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