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Holguin, Cuba, November 17-21
VI International Colloquium for the Freedom of the Five Cuban Heroes and Against Terrorism

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples invites all friends of Cuba to join us in the 6th International Colloquium for the freedom of the Five Cuban Heroes, prisoners of the empire & against terrorism.

This sixth edition will take place from November 17th to 21st, 2010; in Holguin province and it will be a new opportunity to all justice-loving people to unite wills and efforts in the struggle to free the Cuban Five, unjustly imprisoned in North American jails for fighting against terrorism. Accreditation fees for the event will be $25.00 CUC per person.

The comfortable Hotel Pernik, located in the center of the provincial capital, will be ready for accommodation in single/double rooms, including breakfast, transfers in-out and transportation to all the activities of the program.

Moreover, from November 22nd to 24th, the participants will have access to an additional program of optional visits to places of historical and cultural interest.

To contact the organizing commitee:
Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples
San Carlos street Nº 27, Peralta, Holguín CP80100. Cuba.
Telephone: (53-24) 461 914; (53-24) 424 376


Wednesday, November 17th

15:00 Welcome ceremony, information meeting, and accreditation for all participants at EXPO-HOLGUIN

Thursday, November 18th

09:30 Opening of the VI Colloquium.
10:00 Updating about the case of the Cuban Five

Meeting with relatives of the Cuban Five at Expo-Holguín

12:30 pm Lunch at Expo-Holguín

02:30 pm Exchange of all foreign delegations by geographical areas
Friday, November 19th

08:00 Voluntary work in organic urban farms, and planting of trees.

12:30  Lunch at Expo-Holguín.

14:30 Meeting with the delegates to the Colloquium according to different interests: lawyers, journalists and alternative media, writers and artists, teachers and students.

16:30 Meeting with the National Commission in the case of the Cuban Five at ICAP and the International Committee of  Solidarity with the Five Cuban Heroes.

Place: Expo-Holguín.

Saturday, November 20th

08:00 Solidarity Parade.

08:30 Meeting at Che Guevara Monument.

10:00 Session of the VI Colloquium

12:30 Lunch

14:30 Reading and Adoption of the Final Declaration of the Colloquium and the action plan for the future.

15:30 Conclusions.

20:30 Get together with the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR)
Sunday, November 21st

09:00 Exchange about the struggle for the freedom of the Cuban Five in different municipalities of the province.

09:30  Public audience against terrorism.

Place: Boca de Samá community.

20:00  Cultural activity in homage to the 50th Anniversary of ICAP.

Monday, November 22nd


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