About the CNC
Cuba Events
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The Canadian Network on Cuba
- Organizations Belonging to the CNC as Members and
Their CNC Representatives*:
- CCFA-Calgary - Jeanne Hammer [website]
- CCFA-Kingston - Evelyn Gervan [website]
- CCFA-Niagara - Dave Thomas and Pat Willick
- CCFA-Toronto - Liz Hill [website]
- CCFA-Vancouver - Ray Viaud
- CCFA-Windsor - Enver Villamizar
- Communist League (Toronto)- Michel Dugre
- Communist Party of Canada (Toronto HQ)- Miguel
- Communist Party of Canada / Marxist-Leninist (CPC-ML)
- Margaret Villamizar
- Cuba Edmonton Solidarity Committee - Ed Daniel
- Cuba Education Tours (ZunZun Education Tours) - Marcel
Hatch [website]
- CUPW-Canadian Union of Postal Workers - Dave
- Destination Cuba - Maheli Pacheco
- Friendship Tours - Joyce Holmes [website]
- Free the Cuban Five Committee-Toronto - Cris
Castillo [website]
- Free the Cuban Five Committee-Vancouver - Sarah
Alwell [website]
- Free the Cuban Five Anti-Terrorists Lawyer's
Committee (Toronto) - TBD
- Manitoba-Cuba Solidarity Committee - Diane Zack
- Nova Scotia Cuba Association - Isaac Saney [website]
- Ottawa Cuba Connections - Marvin Glass [website]
- Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC)
- Tamara Hansen [website]
- Victoria Goods for Cuba - Randy Caravaggio
- Worker to Worker (Toronto) - Heide Trampus
*Note: CCFA = Canadian-Cuban
Friendship Association
If your organization is considering joining the Canadian Network on
Cuba, you should first review the CNC
Declaration and then download
the Registration form (MS-Word format).