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[Cuba: A Revolution in Motion]
Cuba: A Revolution
in Motion

[Intimate Strangers]
Intimate Strangers

[Cuba's Health Care System]
Cuba's Health Care System

[Democracy in CUba and the 1997-1998 Elections]
Democracy in Cuba

[Visiting Cuba: Hardial Banes]
Visiting Cuba

[People's Power]
People's Power


[Good Morning Cuba!]
Good Morning Cuba!

[My Malecon]
My Malecón

[5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution]
5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution

[Capitalism in Crisis]
Capitalism in Crisis

[Canadian Dimension]

Canadian Dimension's July / August, 2003 issue explores the international reaction to Cuba's so-called dissident movement and the jailing of those shown to be acting as agents of the United States government. This issue includes articles by James Petras, Karen Lee Wald, Saul Landau, Eduardo Galeano, Michael Lebowitz and Terry Murphy. A must-read!


Democracy in Cuba and the 1997-98 Elections - Arnold August
(Editorial José Martí, ISBN: 0-968-5084-0-5)
Canada-Cuba Distribution and Publishing
P.O. Box 55025, Fairmount Station
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2T 3E2

People's Power: Cuba's Experience with Representative Government - Peter Roman
Review & Purchase info

The U.S. Blockade

The U.S.A. versus Cuba: Nationalizations and Blockade - Olga Miranada Bravo
Editorial José Martí
ISBN: 959-09-0097-6)

Cuba in the 1990s- José Bell Lara
A compilation featuring articles from professors with the Facultad de Latino America en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) at the Universidad de la Habana (Coordinator: Dr. , Editorial José Martí

Development, Capitalism, Global Issues

Capitalism in Crisis
(Fidel Castro Ruz)

Literature, Culture & Art

Intimate Strangers
- Paul Carr / Manuel García Verdecia

This book is dedicated to Poetry, Bringing together, two peoples, two countries.
Hidden Brook Press [more info]

My Malecón
- Paul Carr

A book of poetry inspired by Cuba
Hidden Brook Press [more info]

Poesía de Amor
- Editor: Luis Toledo Sante

Editoral Letras Cubanas, ISBN: 959-10-0618-7

Good Morning Cuba!
- Senator Jacques Hébert

An unusual account of an extraordinary trip: The Honourable Jacques Hébert, former senator, prolific author and founder of Canada World Youth, has written a book about a recent visit to CWY's programs in Cuba. Illustrated with 70 photographs, this book relates the trip of 30 Canadians delighted to discover, or rediscover, this fascinating country, and to observe a group of Cubans and Canadians learning from one another and from their host communities. A wonderful storyteller, with a writing style all his own, Mr. Hébert demonstrates through this latest work his strong affection for the Cuban people and his undying passion for youth. The book is available in English and French. All royalties and profits from the sale of the book will be donated to Canada World Youth. To order: Online / Download & Fax PDF / Call toll free: 1-800-605-3526


Cuba's Health Care System: Where Humanity Comes First
Ellen Bernstein

“The unfailing dedication of Cuban health care professionals has led to dramatic improvements in quality of life, for millions of people who previously had no other hope of receiving decent medical care. IFCO/Pastors for Peace is pleased to honor the diligent health care professionals of the Cuban health care system. We especially pay tribute to Cuba’s national leadership, whose vision of universal health care as a right of every citizen sets an example for the world.”
Battle of Ideas Press[]

5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution
The Challenges of an Unwavering Leadership

Tamara Hansen

"The battles Cuba has fought have not been easy. Some were physical battles, such as the battle against the bandits in the Escambray Mountains or the Bay of Pigs invasion. However, most were not battles of physical might, but battles of ideas. But with every twist and turn, every up and down Fidel has been one of the first leaders to say, 'this way forward' or 'we made a wrong turn, we must change course.'"
Battle of Ideas Press[]

Other Recommended Reading

Memoria del Fuego (Memory of Fire) - Eduardo Galeano
Trilogy comprised of "Genesis," "Faces & Masks," and "Century of the Wind"

Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala - Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer
ISBN: 0-385-18354-2

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