Information From the Cuban Embassy in Ottawa

Dear Donor,

On behalf of Cubans, we appreciate very much your intention to help our people through humanitarian donations.

In Cuba, we have been making some changes in our procedures and regulations related to donations, and it is very important that you kindly fulfill some requirements so that we could be part of this process organized in our country.

In this regard, we have prepared a paper explaining the procedures to be followed and we would like you to cooperate with us to be able to reach our goal.

Yours sincerely,

Antonio Castañón Cristina Ramos
Consejero Económico - Economic Councillor Agregada Económica - Economic Attaché
Oficina Económica - Economic Office Oficina Económica - Economic Office

Embajada de Cuba en Canadá - Embassy of Cuba in Canada

Teléfono - Phone: (613) 563-0141 Ext.: 244

Fax: (613) 563-0068

Those people interested on sending donations to Cuba, should get in contact with this Economic Office, which will be in charge of the relevant proceedings through the Ministry of Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation, hereinafter called MINVEC, and the Executive Company of Donations, hereinafter called EMED.

For the shipment of donations to Cuba, an Import Permit (IP) is required.

In order to request an IP it is necessary to receive from the donor the following information:

Necessary Information for Import Permit Request

At the same time, the beneficiary in Cuba will provide the necessary information and documentation to the EMED/MINVEC to obtain the proper references and fulfill the necessary requirements for the elaboration of the Import Permit Request (IPR).

If the IPR is accepted and approved, the EMED issues the IP and the Economic Office (EO) is properly informed.

Afterwards, the EO contacts the donor to inform about the IP and the relevant arrangements are made with CUBANA Airline in the case of air shipments and Cargomax International in the case of maritime shipments.

Regarding any interest on specific donations in cash, they will have exceptional character and must be made in close coordination with this Economic Office and the beneficiary in Cuba. These donations can not be done without previous coordination.


Appendix 1: Medicines

Sanitary Control Rules for donations of medicines to be used by humans.

The Sanitary Control of donations is the mechanism adopted by the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba (MINSAP) to avoid importing donated medicines of doubtful quality and utility, which use could represent a health risk for our population.

Basic principles and guidelines concerning donations of medicines to be used by humans.

The donations of medicines should be based on four basic principles which are the following:

In order to achieve the fulfillment of these four basic principles above mentioned it is necessary to adopt the norms described below:

Appendix 2: Medical and Laboratory Equipment


Necessary Information Required to Consult MINSAP About Donation of Medical Equipment

  1. Description of the equipment
  2. Literature

  3. Technical Documentation Yes No
    Operating Manual    
    Technical Services Manual    
    Electrical Diagrams    
    Installation Plans    
    Historical-Technical File of the equipment    
  4. Technical conditions
  5. Insurance